
Colossians and Philemon: So Walk in Him is unavailable, but you can change that!

Come and hear a wonderful story of evangelism, church planting, and Christian growth. Colossians was a letter which would have first been read by Tychicus in Philemon’s house in Colossae. The people who were to read that letter had been converted as a result of Paul’s teaching in Ephesus (Acts 19). As they read they were are about to better understand better the reality of life in Christ, and...

speaking behaviour (v. 8), we are to understand that it is the whole way of life that is to be put to death, not just one or two areas of moral struggle. Second, just as sex was an entirely appropriate subject to raise when the subject is redeemed human life, because God has made us sexual beings, so God has also made us speaking beings. Furthermore, just as the Christian life is far from having a negative view of sex, so it is not negative about speech. Yet as alienated and hostile people (1:21),
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